I hope no one has noticed that I haven't been updating my marathon training... I'm still training! Not as intense as when I first started, but I'm still somewhat training! lol I found myself being hit with obstacles, which shouldn't be an excuse but it is what it is! I'm only human! Thank goodness for Mission I'm Possible's weekly runs, because I think I would have fallen off track.


Although I am not preparing as intensely as my peers, I actually do feel ready for this marathon. I definitely added more projects than what I can handle, but I'm definitely up for the challenge to not only get it done, but to kill it as well! 


I am so excited that this marathon is almost here, and I already feel a runner's high. I'm excited to get outside my comfort zone and really take a leap of faith into the unknown. I told myself before that I would never be able to run a marathon, signing up for one I found myself researching how to get a refund on it. lol When I realized I couldn't, I really had to stop being a baby about it and just start training for it. 

Inspired by Sam (@SammyJoFruition), I'm going to make a dedication for each mile I run. Wish me luck!